Pervasive Error 94

I recently encountered this error. My client uses Pastel Partner v14 and Pastel Payroll. They were unable to open these programs over the network. Sage Pastel uses Pervasive as the database.

So I searched the web for the error. Apparently its a permission error. Pervasive clients can not access the licence information. (registration.dat). I also found a document which had some solutions.

Having checked the firewall settings and resharing and remapping the network drives, I was faced with their last solution: uninstall and reinstall all the Pastel programs. I was not sure I had all the programs and updates available to reinstall. I decided to continue troubleshooting…

I found that restarting the pervasive service fixed the problem. Until reboot. I emailed this additional information to Pastel, thinking it might prompt them to suggest something else. They replied with some other things I could try. I tried, but still had error 94.

I then changed the service startup type from “Automatic” to “Automatic (delayed start)”. That makes windows wait 20 seconds before starting the service. Rebooted and guess what: no error 94.

It seems that the service was starting too early. Delaying the start allowed something to happen in the correct sequence, and avoid the permission problem and clients are back to work.

About my clients hardware and software:
Both the Pastel/Payroll server and clients were running Windows 10 Pro 64 bit (with all updates)
The Pastel products were Sage Pastel Partner v14.0.0.7 and Pastel Payroll & HR v3.0.0.116
The Pervasive version was v10.30.17.0
Their network is a peer to peer network, no Windows server

6 thoughts on “Pervasive Error 94”

  1. Hi There, we had the same problem and your solution works perfectly, after the 1809 update on all 3 win 10 workstations and the win 10 server/workstation we had huge problems on the network which worked by making persistent routes to the server, when we got that working the dreaded Error 94 popped up, simply setting the service to delayed solved the problem. Many thanks for your help, we lost a day because of the network issue but in 10 mins I had everyone logged in after applying your solution.

  2. hi, Thanks for the info, should this delay in service startup be done on the server computer (host) or the client computer that has the error 94.
    My server computer is working fine but the client computer is having error 94.
    My connections is also a peer to peer, no ‘server’ in the technical sense.

    1. When I set this up in January I think it was the server only.

      My memory might be failing me.

      If you still get an error, then you may have to do it on both…

      My client has the computers log in automatically into a user account, which may be the reason for this error. On a Windows computer where you have to type in a password manually then the user account might not log in before everything is ready…

      I am speculating here as my client recently upgraded to Partner v17 and everything is working.

  3. After going through the Sage checklist for error code 94, to no avail, this worked first time.

    Time to get clients back to work, much appreciated guys.

    Kiiza – Tech

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